What good can come from our suffering?
Colossians 1:24
"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, that is, the Church."
Far too often we look at the world through "secular" eyes, and not through the eyes of God. For a moment, close your eyes and put yourself in a position to see things as God may see them. Then realize our finite minds still do not come close to the greatness of God. We need to offer our sufferings up for the sake of others. It may be those who have already died, it may be for someone living that needs healing physically or mentally. It may be for someone struggling with a decision.
There are so many facets to God’s greatness, to His plan. It may be through your trial you are sending out many points of light. We cannot change the world, but we can trust in our God…that He is using us to change the part of the world we live in. Think of dropping a pebble into water. The water ripples outward once we changed the stillness of the water through the dropping of the pebble. That is what God does with each one of us when we allow His will to be done. He can use that ripple to affect the lives we touch, which affects the lives they touch and so on. Then, we have changed our corner of the world for the Glory of God. Do not look at your trial of suffering as a punishment, but as a way God is trying to not only sanctify you, but those who are around you. To help bring us all to Everlasting Life.
Many times, it is when we face the most difficult situations our eyes are opened to see God in the everyday. Sometimes we suffer as a nation, as we did through the 9/11 terrorist attacks, or the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Or more recently, the tragic wildfires engulfing Southern California and drought felt through the Mid-Atlantic States. Every tragedy that happens can teach you a way to God.
Although most times, we feel our sufferings individually, in the day-to-day mundane going on of life. We are never alone in our sufferings; Jesus is always with us. There is no Heaven without the Cross. Jesus suffered rejection, persecution, a crucifixion…we also will suffer but Jesus Christ redeemed our suffering. Do not let your suffering go to waste. Offer it up to Jesus, unite it to His Cross, to use for his body, the Church.
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