To show our children that they matter, that we love them, is the greatest gift we can give them, and our world. The world will be a better place to live if our children feel love, and by example learn how to give love to others. One way we do this is by creating those memories for them that they want to carry with them their whole lives. These memories do not have to be big, expensive vacations or cost any money at all. Many times, those actions we do unconsciously end up having the greatest impact on them. One such action is one that I have done since the day I took them home from the hospital. When I placed them into their crib or now when I hug them goodnight, I make a sign of the cross on their foreheads and quietly say the prayer, "May God bless you and protect you always."
They have come to expect this. One such moment that revealed this to me was a moment I shared with my son. As I was busily getting the children to bed he said, "Mom, did you do that thing to my forehead yet?"
At that moment I realized this was something they have come to expect, and must have found pleasing, for him to have asked me. Therefore, I told him what it was I do. On hearing this, he seemed to have a sense of peace about him. His eyes expressed a sense of safety, he smiled and shook his head in approval, and walked silently to bed.
I also make it a point to remind my children to say their prayers before going to sleep. Children need reminding of this, along with the dozen other things we remind them to do daily. Our lives become over scheduled. This cause us to forget where it is we come from and where it is we are going. We need to integrate these routines, these holy reminders into our children’s day-to-day schedule. It is important to not only remind our children to pray individually, but take time to pray together as a family. One such occasion to incorporate this into your day is with saying a prayer together at the dinner table before you eat. Giving thanks to God for our daily bread. The family is the domestic church. This is where our children learn and carry holy moments with them their whole lives. It is a gift we are giving our children to say grace before our communion meal together. We teach our children that life is bigger then themselves. Not only through the thanksgiving, we give to God, but through the prayers, we offer to those whose needs are greater than our own.
A family rosary is another good holy moment to share with your family. I admit I pray an individual rosary more often. Although our family has made it a tradition to pray a family rosary on January 1, New Years Day. It has become our small way to giving thanks to God for his blessings on us, and pray that He continues to guide our family into Everlasting Life.
This gift of holy moments we pass to our children is priceless. In these moments, our children learn how to quiet themselves from a busy world and give thanks to God. They learn to love themselves and all human life. Through these holy moments, they are building a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are inviting Him into our hearts, which is exactly where He wants to be.
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