Thursday, May 31, 2007

They are Love

In thought...

They are Love

Many people think people with intellectual disabilities are so unfortunate. I think by looking at these individuals from a "worldly" secular viewpoint, they may be right. But, we were not created for this world. God created us for Himself. (John 17:16) "They are not part of this world, anymore than I am."
We must look at this world as our pilgrimage, to something better...Heaven!
When we look at people with intellectual disabilities, we should rejoice in their lives. God blessed them in a way those of us whom this world labels "normal" have not been blessed.
They are Love. They don't know hate. They don't judge people based on what they have, or do not have. They are not mean spirited.
We can be judgmental. We can be mean spirited. We can be hateful.
These beautiful souls are here to love. To show love. To teach us how to love. Those who have been blessed to share their time here with these beautiful souls can be learning virtues they may have never obtained otherwise. -Patience, kindness, fortitude, courage, gentleness, joy-
I think God knows what He is doing. We should never doubt His greatness, His love. I believe God wills all of us to be in Heaven with Him, for always. If sharing our lives with these beautiful souls is the means He has for us achieving that, then we need to Trust in Him, and His plan for our life.
Many of us think we are here to help these souls, but I believe they are here to help us more. More than anyone can possibly imagine.
God can achieve things here - with people- without our help, but maybe God wants to have things achieved in us through these gentle, loving souls, whom this world deems as no help.
I also think Satan must be very angry because this world has these loving souls that do not contribute to his evil plan for our world, and he cannot manipulate their minds the way he does to ours. No hatred or mean spiritedness. These loving souls are here changing the world for the better, and there is nothing he can do about it.
God knows what He is doing; never doubt He is in full control. Trust in Him and rejoice for all human life...from the smallest; at the moment of conception, to the intellectually challenged, the suffering and able bodied person.
Rejoice in the Glory of God!